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They’re on the hunt! Meridian and Contact team up.

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Does Southland have the potential for a Hydrogen plant?

Two of New Zealand’s largest gentailers (retailers who both sell and generate electricity) have teamed up to see if there is interest for a Hydrogen plant to be placed in good old Southland. Both companies have hydroelectricity assets in the lower South Island, making this a mutual interest and aim.

Tiwai Point, the country’s only aluminum smelter is looking to shut it’s doors at the end of 2024 and that could spell trouble for Contact and Meridian. Tiwai consumes electricity equivalent to 776,000 households, spends near $394 million within NZ each year and employs near 1,000 locals. The closure will have an impact in more than one way but for energy tycoons, Tiwai ending will create a significant disruption to business with distribution constraints.

Learn More About Tiwai  

Hydrogen is a form of green energy or a clean fuel, when consumed in a fuel cell, it produces only water. Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of domestic resources, such as natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, and renewable power like solar and wind. It’s a healthy resource for Aotearoa.

More than $200 billion NZ has been committed by the government and private sectors to support the development in Hydrogen and it just so happens that the beautiful Southland, could be the best place to meet the demand and be the face of this growth opportunity.

Mike Fuge, Contact Energy Chief Executive is a leading force behind renewable energy and believes that green hydrogen development could sustainably support NZ producing 100% of it’s electricity from renewable sources.


What is renewable Energy?

  • Hydro – electricity generated from water
  • Geothermal – electricity generated from heat and steam
  • Wind – electricity generated from wind such as wind farms
  • Sun - electricity generated from the sun such as solar power

Renewable energy is electricity generated from our environments natural resources and has the ability to continue being generated due to this. Iit has little impact to the environment and is generally cleaner, greener and just smart.

Are you interested in renewable energy?

NZ Compare is proudly partnered with Choice Energy.

Choice Energy are proactive about powering your home with clean, safe, renewable solar energy and will guarantee the power your residential solar system will generate. However solar might not be right for you, that’s why they’ll check by doing a free assessment around what solutions are suitable and available first.

What is Solar Power? 

Request a FREE Solar Assessment 

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